Open a current account with a German bank so that you can easily pay in shops with your bank card and receive your salary or wages. Normally you will also need your registration certificate and tax number to open an account.
With N26, you can open a German bank account in minutes, right from from abroad via your smartphone. All you need is a German address—no Anmeldung necessary. It is advisable to compare banks, as some offer better services for expatriates and lower fees.
Comparison of Bank Accounts
It is recommended that you choose a bank that suits your needs and offers English language support.
N26 was founded in 2013 and has since become the largest mobile bank in Europe. Its benefits include a free current account, small loan options and a savings account. N26 has become extremely popular in recent years. It challenges the status quo of traditional banks and caters to the digitalised generations with a clean and easy-to-navigate real-time mobile banking app.
Any expat who wants to send money home to a foreign bank account can do so directly with N26 without worrying about fees, as N26 has integrated Wise into its banking app.
The entire product is available in English, from registration to mobile banking to customer service. It is one of the most popular German bank accounts for foreigners and accepts the most nationalities as an online bank.
Commerzbank was founded in 1870 and is the second largest bank in Germany.
In recent years, Commerzbank has invested heavily to keep up with current trends and to appeal to foreigners. It is the most digitised branch bank and offers at least parts of its website in English. More importantly, Commerzbank offers online banking, a mobile app and customer support in English.
They offer many more banking options, such as a brokerage account, loans, investments, foreign currency collection and a personal advisor if you wish. Because you can verify your identity in person at a local branch, Commerzbank accepts virtually any nationality.
Vivid Money
Vivid Money was founded in Berlin in 2019. However, Vivid has successfully disrupted the traditional & mobile banking industry in terms of everyday banking, investing and crypto handling. Its reviews on Google & Apple Store, as well as on Trustpilot, are really good. Vivid offers its accounts through its partner Solarisbank.
Vivid Money offers a free current account along with a free metal Visa debit card, commission-free investing in stocks, ETFs and cryptocurrencies, and high cashback rates on purchases. Everything is available in English and the customer service is excellent.